Guest Health Care Specialists

The reason that I created Model Definition was out of a labor of love. I’ve received so many requests and letters from around the world. So today, I have decided to allow some doctors and health care specialists to blog about some of your needs.  I have received so many … Continue reading

Spirituality Over Religion

Religion is like a double sword, you can’t trust it but you can source it. The Bible says this. (Romans 4:13-15) Religion can not save you but can assist in understanding who you are to yourself and your peers. Fellowship, solitude and meditation are three keys to finding inner peace. … Continue reading

Predestination vs Freewill

Note to reader: Please cite this paper properly because it is archived at Barclay College and the copyright is held by Shariee Jones. It can only be used for educational purposes. Predestination versus Free Will Shariee Jones Barclay College Original: December 15, 2012 1Revised: February 22, 2016 Predestination versus Free … Continue reading