
Model Definition caters toward the individual who want to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ and forecast a positive outlook on life by displaying ideal behavior.

Ask yourself what social impact are you making on your community? Are you that person who guides or inspires others to form into a shape of positive reflection? Are you exhibiting the kind of love God wants you to reflect?

The definition of a model is a phenomenon that shares the three-dimensional characteristics of your reflection: faith, hope, and love. Whether its belief, visual or physical, your foundation should demonstrate form based on faith, hope, and love. We are imperfect beings in this world but through Christ we can exhibit perfection.

Our purpose

Our purpose is to praise God, evangelize the ideological message of the historical Jesus Christ to the entire world, and bring believers together in Spirit.

Our mission

Our mission is catered toward the youth of society who want to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ and forecast a positive outlook on life by displaying ideal behavior. Model Definition is committed to improve social relationships in our community with the hope of inspiring others to form into a shape of positive reflection. We hope to develop significant fellowship by sharing the worship of God and our truths of angelologic aspects of the Word that expose the History of God’s work.

The definition of a model is a phenomenon that shares the three-dimensional characteristics of your reflection: faith, hope, and love. Whether its belief, visual or physical, your foundation should demonstrate form based on faith, hope, and love. We believed that we are imperfect beings in this world but through Christ we can exhibit perfection.

Our vision

Our vision is to be a grace-motivated ministry recognized for biblical preaching and worship, bold outreach, and committed discipleship and growth. We hope to be a place to win souls, a place of healing, hope and acceptance of all people. We aim to model the character and nature of Christ for the express purpose of glorifying God and understanding we are One in Christ.

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