Board of Directors

The Board of Directors

The Original Creator (Order out of Chaos)
God is the Creator and Father of all things outside and inside our spheres. Even though God is spoken as a masculine form, he is neither masculine nor feminine. He is an entity who created the masculine and feminine creation. He is the architect of all things. He will forever exist because life will forever exist.

He is the omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence board member of Model Definition who drives the existence of all life, the resources and the instructor of humanity. Humanity is lost due to freewill, but the fire of God’s Spirit lives buried within us. The wind of God’s breath is the air of internal and external life that we breathe in order for us to stay and be alive. Other contributions of God to this order are wisdom, infinite, sovereignty, holiness, triune, faithfulness, love, self-existence, self-sufficient, mercy, goodness, grace, justice, etc. God is all these things and he is a corrective creator, the supreme war God.

The Creative God (The Son as the human vessel)
The original Creator created and used a human vessel to correct the sinful nature of humanity. The historical and physical vessel known as Jesus Christ walked among humans, to give humanity a chance at free will and teach fair judgement practices. Jesus Christ is the second person of the creative God, as the Son of God. He is the incarnate of God and we are the incarnate of the Jesus Christ figure if we choose to believe, understand the spiritual; discipline and learn to be Christ centered. Christ became the divine teacher, died and rose from death spiritually from a physically state of mind. Medically speaking, it is possible that he was in a temporary state of death, and returned to His original creative spiritual state, The Original Creator, after he fulfilled the Messianic prophecy. He is a necessary entity in order to correct the laws and prior sentences from His original creative state. He became like us to understand the nature of sin and to correct it. He left with us the knowledge of self, order and responsibility from The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit (memories that live within humanity)
The Holy Spirit predates the physical body of Jesus Christ. It is the very beginning of existence. Christ’s is The Holy Spirit that dwells within us and provides access to memories of the gifts God instilled in us when He created us. God is the source of all things. He put a light in the darkness and empty vessels. These are the fruits of Eden, the key to Heaven and extend outside of our earthbound spheres. Jesus Christ as the divine teacher, as well as other historical Christlike figures reminded us of who we are, who we were and provides instruction on how to be. The Holy Spirit is the first and third person of existence. Jesus left the third person spirit with us to wake up our first person spirit. He came, he saw, and he conquered darkness by leaving his light, knowledge.

Humans are created in the image of God and have access to the divine Spirit. Natural sin is the enemy of humanity and the original angelic behavior (the divine spirits) are meant to announce, protect, and seek judgement from it. (Isaiah 14:12-21) The Holy Spirit is the corrective entity and brings awareness to our nature if we seek and accept it. In the book of John 14:15-21, Jesus spoke of The Holy Spirit an said, “If you love me, obey my commands. I will ask the Father. And he will give you another friend to help you and to be with you forever. That friend is the Spirit of truth. The world can’t accept him. That’s because the world does not see him or know him. But you know him. He lives with you, and he will be in you.  I will not leave you like children who don’t have parents. I will come to you.  Before long, the world will not see me anymore. But you will see me. Because I live, you will live also.  On that day you will realize that I am in my Father. You will know that you are in me, and I am in you. Anyone who has my commands and obeys them loves me. My Father will love the one who loves me. I too will love them. And I will show myself to them.” (NIRV)

Shariee, an Advocate of the Lord
The Holy Spirit is the highest intelligence from the will of God that guides us like an angelic guide. Prophets bear the responsibilities of God, and is used as a physical vessel in order to teach or relay a divine message. However, all advocates are not the same but all answer to God. Shariee is a daughter of the Creative God, the Heavenly Father. She possesses the natural (human) state of sin and divinity (The Holy Spirit) through her acceptance of God’s will in Christ. She has been studying philosophy and theology in order to understand the human behavior for many years. She also works in the field of creative arts. She has been trained and certified by The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention on public safety and The U.S. Veteran Affairs by psychologists on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatments.

Shariee was born on October 22, the day of Pope John Paul II’s papal inauguration and feast day. In Roman history, the Archangel Saint Michael in David’s Army is also honored on this day. As a teen, she attended both Baptist and Methodist churches. She officially accepted Christ as her savior in 2001 through baptismal (COGIC) but accepted her calling in 2009 (Non-denomination). On civilian military orders with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, she was exposed to the Interfaith belief system. After her ordination process, she graduated in 2013 from a Friends (Quaker) theological college and is currently a doctoral candidate at Liberty University. Read her testimony by clicking link here.

Board of Executive Powers
The decisions and running of Model Definition are solely from the personal ideas of the artist and counselor Shariee. The Board of Executive Powers Board Team have been created.

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